Fallon Fielded for 3G Pitch Opening

On Saturday, Michael officially opened the new 3G Football Pitch for Sevenoaks Town Football Club at Greatness Recreation Ground.

At the well-attended event, Michael congratulated the club Chairman, Paul Lansdale, the staff and players, the Council and the sponsors. He then helped cut the ribbon with the Mayor and some of the players.

The innovative new pitch was recommended by Sevenoaks Town Council as part of their Sevenoaks Sports Strategy and costs £400,000. The funding was achieved through a £70,000 grant from Cory Environmental Trust Britain, a £130,000 donation from The Sevenoaks Fund and a £200,000 donation from the Town Council. The new floodlit pitch will be used by Sevenoaks Town FC’s 60 teams and local primary schools free of charge.

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Michael said: ‘This is the result of a real community effort and will be used by local schools as well as Sevenoaks Town FC. A symbol of diversity, opportunity and the strong community spirit here in Sevenoaks, this pitch is an important addition to our area and helps put our teams onto the front foot.’