Michael Declares Innovative New Housing Development Open


2016_05_13 - Michael Fallon and Steve Nunn at The Vales
Michael in front of The Vales with Steve Nunn, Executive Director, New Business & Development, at Moat Homes.

On Friday,  Michael opened The Vales, a new affordable housing development near Bat & Ball Station in Sevenoaks.

The development is owned by Moat Homes, which has worked in collaboration with SDC to build 11 new properties.  The properties are a mixture of shared ownership and affordable rent homes.

Michael spoke to the assembled guests, which included representatives from SDC and Moat and several of the new residents.  He congratulated Moat on the development, which is built on the site of the former ambulance station, before joining guests for a tour of the new properties.

2016_05_13 - Moat at The Vales, Sevenoaks
The Vales

Michael said: “I was delighted to open The Vales.  We need more housing in Sevenoaks but we also want to protect our environment and the Green Belt.  This innovative scheme is an example of how collaboration between councils and developers is reinforcing the bottom rung of the housing ladder, helping young families to work towards owning their own home.”